MotorStorm Wiki
Ae ascension

Following a native mountain trail, Ascension mixes extreme switchbacks with blind leaps to create a terrifying yet adrenaline-fueled charge around the peak. A task made even harder by thick fog in a snowstorm.

"Whoa, dude - snowblind!" - Chronic

- Festival Card #090

Ascension is a track in MotorStorm: Arctic Edge.


  • Hidden Emblem Location: On the forward version of this track you'll reach a point that requires you to traverse back and forth up the mountain. At the final straight up the mountain on your right side are some billboards. On the last billboard is a Little Big Planet emblem.
  • When going at the reverse version of the track, at the final turn lies a wreck of a poorly-rendered Castro Varadero on the side of the track.