MotorStorm Wiki

Throw the Molotov, drink from the other bottle. Not the other way around.

"From looters to anarchists and everything in between. The Crasies are made up of all those who chose not to evacuate the city, who stood together in the face of DuskLite Security's overzealous 'protection.' They brought weapons from sports store ruins and called open seazon on anyone who got in their way."

They Crazies are a group of citizens of the city in which MotorStorm: Apocalypse takes place. They oppose the incursion of DuskLite and Motorstorm forces into 'their' city. They believe it to be their territory, and refuse to leave. Their clashes with DuskLite forces often serve as the backdrop for many of the most intense races in the game


- Guns

- Molotov cocktails

- Rocket launchers
